Web App
NL Smokers’ Helpline
The NL Smokers’ Helpline is a free service providing assistance to all Newfoundlanders and Labradorians, from those looking to quit to those that want to help a loved one, workplaces, and more. KickAsh was created to help reach young adults.
KickAsh is an online tool targeting young adults to help them quit smoking.
This is a very specific target group whose ideas about technology and social norms were tested in focus group research.
The focus on the target audience for KickAsh is apparent in the content and the technology of the platform.
This mobile-first design includes a personalized dashboard, integrated push notifications, and a “badges of encouragement” reward system. Users can personalize their experience by uploading images of who they’re quitting for, customizing the notification system, and real-time calculations on money saved and health improved.

The site allows user generated content on tips and tricks for quitting smoking, and even an unlimited stock of GIFs to use as a distraction tool. The custom work continued with original illustrations and copy, inspired by themes and topics that are meaningful to the target audience.

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