Product Video


Through their Operational Twin software, Enaimco is on a mission to change the way people in the energy sector work.

Produce More, With Less

That’s the goal and founding direction behind Enaimco’s advanced software as a service (SaaS).

It’s also a motto we here at WaterWerks value in our approach to work and day to day lives, which made working with Enaimco a natural fit. For their product video, we wanted to help them build trust in their product through engaging 3D renders and animated snapshots of the software in use. This real-data demonstration provides more context to the features and capabilities than simple descriptions could.

Storyboard to Reality

Using hand-drawn storyboards to explore concepts allowed us to plan and map out ideas quickly. Good is the enemy of great — anything not strong enough was left behind.

Storyboards were transformed into models and rendered into low-resolution previsualizations. These animations were used to gather feedback from the client, giving them opportunities to have input and make adjustments where needed.

Adding textures, lighting, and effects bring everything to life in stunning 4K detail.

Brand Integration

When it comes to representing a brand, every detail matters.

To illustrate the connection between Enaimco, data visualization, and the ocean, we started the video with their emblem and transitioned it into a data-point rendering of ocean waves. Further on, the animated interfaces are pulled directly from dashboards populated by real data.

Great branding requires careful strategy and planning.

Championing Local Tech

Ask anyone at WaterWerks and they’ll all say the same thing: the best part of our day is getting to discover and learn about a new company and their unique solutions. From the logo for techNL, to a website for eDNAtec, to our Tides of Opportunity video series for econext, we’re proud to be a part of all that the local tech scene in Newfoundland and Labrador has to offer.

We’re dedicated to building smart strategic solutions.

Ready to see what we can do for you?

Services + Sectors